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Quick Response (QR) codes also known as hardlinks or physical world hyperlinks are a popular type of 2D barcode introduced by Japan based Denso Wave, Inc. in 1994 as a powerful medium for storing and exchanging meaningful information inside black & white images.
Wonderful Tech. Stuff - QR code
"Wonderful Tech. Stuff" QR code
These QR codes are the most space-efficient of all of the two-dimensional codes as they can carry meaningful information in both vertical as well as the horizontal directions and are thus capable of storing several hundred times the amount of data stored by ordinary bar codes which are just capable of storing information in horizontal direction.
bar codes can store data only in horizontal direction whereas QR codes can store information both horizontally and vertically
In QR Codes you can encode and store up to 7,089 numeric (or) 4,296 alpha-numeric (or) 2,953 binary(8 bits) (or) 1,817 Kanji/full-width Kana characters that can be anything like your contact information, telephone number, blog/website URL, SMS, email address, or any other normal text. The QR code images thus formed can be read by dedicated QR code readers and camera mobile phones having appropriate decoding software that can photograph QR codes and decode them.

Here are some of the popular resources for Generating QR-Code

The KAYWA QR-Code Generator

QR Code Generator from ZXing (pronounced "zebra crossing")

Nokia QR-Code Generator for Mobiles

Duncan Sample 'Mobile Barcoder' Add-on for Firefox

QR-Code Generator Tool @Mobile-Barcodes

NFG Games QR Code Generator

Now, for decoding and reading these generated QR Codes you need the following

Dedicated QR code readers & Decoding software for Java enabled built-in camera cell phones

The KAYWA Quick Response Code Reader for Mobile Phones

Get the iPhone App @iMatrix 2D Sense Platform

                              iPhone App QR-Code Reader
Windows "Standard" Decoding Software from 2D Technology Group
(Download Brochure and User manual)

Nokia Code Reader Application for mobile phones

ZXing Decoder Online

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It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your user account being suspended in any online networks, and twitter is no exception to this rule. While using the services provided by twitter, you have to keep in mind some simple basic things to understand and know what you are allowed and not allowed to do on twitter.

And If twitter finds your account violating their Terms of Service (TOS) in any way, chance are your account may get suspended without prior notice and you'll have to see this scary 'Twitter Owl' on your account URL saying "Sorry the account you were headed to has been suspended due to strange activity..."
Twitter Owl on suspended account page
Now, let's try to understand and know more about what comes under strange activity and breaking the TOS of twitter.

According to the twitter rules, users are allowed to post any content they wish to share with others and twitter neither monitors or censors the content published under normal circumstances. But, there are certain strange situations when they deserve the right to monitor your content and impose suspension if needed. These strange situations arise when you cross the boundaries or limitations regarding the content that can be published on twitter. These limitations on the type of content that can be published with Twitter include:
  • Impersonating others in a manner that does or is intended to mislead, confuse, or deceive others
  • Using Trademarked business names and/or logos to mislead others
  • Publishing others people's private and confidential information without prior permission of the owner
  • Sending violence and threats messages to others
  • Alleged copyright infringement activity
  • Promotion of unlawful and illegal activities
  • Deceiving others with a false Verified account badge as part of profile pictures, background images etc.,

The other type of strange activity that results in permanent suspension of your account in spam and abuse. In fact, spammers are the ones that have the high chances of getting suspended as twitter is in no way to tolerate spamming.
Here are some of the tips to avoid your account being suspended due to activity that's considered as spamming on twitter:
  • Avoid frequent following and unfollowing in rapid succession to build your followers or to draw more attention for your profile.
  • Don't retweet recurring content
  • Avoid using automated systems to follow or unfollow (for example, bulk users solely to inflate your numbers.
  • Don't always post updates consisting mainly of links and @replies, and not personal data
  • Avoid posting multiple unrelated updates to a trending or popular topic using #

If you are a legitimate user and sure that you haven't violated any TOS of twitter and its by a mistake that your account got suspended, then you can submit a request to contest your account suspension and get your account back. Twitter has a good reputation of unsuspending user accounts if they find the account to be legitimate.

But If you are truly a spammer and breaking the TOS of twitter and don't change on that, chances are you may not get unsuspended. So, be careful and get to know what you are allowed to do on twitter and follow that. That's it!!

If you want to read more about best practices on Twitter, I recommend below links Following Limits and Best Practices
Automation Rules & Best Practices

Hope this helps...
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In today's Internet age, computers are continually at risk from viruses and worms that can enter your computer from multiple sources online and offline, among which USB flash drives are the obvious ones. USB drive can infect your computer with a virus easily as it has a high diffusion rate for its portability and great capacity.
USB flash drive virus
So, in order to protect your computer from catching virus via USB drives, Vaccine USB has been introduced. Vaccine USB is a lot different from other usual USB devices out there because it is mainly designed with the purpose of treating virus efficiently.
Vaccine USB
When you connect Vaccine USB to your computer, with its in-build anti-virus medicine it will automatically check all the virus inside and keep your computer safe from virus and worms.
Vaccine USB Anti-Virus medicine
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Evolving from metal coins, bills of exchange, and paper money these days money is mostly in the form of digits, bits and bytes and expressed as numbers in computers. With these new developments in money and payment processing, "paying with plastic" like credit or debit cards has brought a digital revolution in buying and borrowing all over the world and has become more conventional and considered as latest form of money.

Now, as an advancement to this most efficient, organized and widespread plastic payment technology, Korea based designers Yoon Jin-young , Wook-sun Oh, Young-ho Lee & Jun-kyo Lee have added smartness and introduced - Live Checking Card
Live Checking Card
Live Checking Card better called as 'smarter credit card' is much more than just a dumb piece of plastic that includes many smart features. The Live Checking Card won’t let you overspend and go beyond your limits as a cumulative amount shows up on the screen every time you swipe the card.
with Live Checking Card you can check your expenditure before and after using the credit card
Live Checking Card showing total expenditure before and after spending
Also with the Edge Light Identify feature you can easily know whether your expenditure is within the limits of your balance or not.
Live Checking Card Edge Light Identify - blue light indicates expenditure is within limit and red light symbols its above limit
Live Checking Card Edge Light Identify
This wonderful device is powered by solar energy and has a E-ink display that allows you to check your payment history. It also helps you to tracks your bank account transactions through Radio-frequency Identification (RFID).
Live Checking Card 4 layers consisting of solar panel, power production, magnetic, electronic paper display and active RFID_UHFID
Live Checking Card 4 Layers

How-To Use Live Checking Card


Here's a quick demonstration of Live Checking Card in action

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Search Engine is basically a tool which provides the facility to search for information on the World Wide Web, based on some keywords typed. The Search Engine Result Page (SERP) will list out all the web pages where that keywords were found with the most relevant web pages first, and the rest in descending order of importance to the user.

As Search Engines work based on pre-written algorithms that allow them to rank the relevant web pages, there is no guarantee that all web pages listed will be ‘G’ rated and designed keeping children in mind. Even the 'porn filter' feature provided by the search engines isn't perfect and 100 percent successful to keep out explicit content. So, in-order to filter out sites that are inappropriate for kids, some search engines have been created that cater specifically for children and are well deserved to be called as "Kid-Safe Search Engines".

The Kid-Safe Search Engines generally exclude sites or web-pages that deal with explicit sexual content, porn, violence, hateful, harmful, gambling and drug use etc., These search engines don't search the entire Word Wide Web for results instead look into only those sites that have been reviewed and handpicked by parents, teachers or librarians and are considered to include appropriate content for children.

Yahoo! Kids logo
Yahoo! Kids ( is the major browsable, searchable directory for children wherein all the sites and web pages listed will be carefully checked and hand-picked by YAHOO! Inc. staff who are specially trained editors and ensure all the content and links included are appropriate for children.

Yahoo! Kids also include many fun features, including Yahoo! Kids Games, Sports, and News pages, Movies, Animals, Science, and Dinosaurs etc.,

Ask Kids formerly Known as Ask Jeeves For Kids Logo
Ask Kids (, which is formerly known as Ask Jeeves for Kids, is a kid-friendly search engine and fun destination site designed exclusively for children aged 6-12.

Each web page indexed by Ask Kids search is based on advanced filtering technology and selections made by experienced human editorial team and are fully child-appropriate.

KidsClick! Web Search ( is designed with children in mind and is backed by librarians. It is owned and run by the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) at Kent State University. KidsClick lists web sites in various categories and you can also search various subjects by letter.

Awesome Library by  Evaluation and Development Institute logo
Awesome Library ( provides only high quality resources mostly recommended by teachers, students, parents, or librarian that are strictly reviewed for child-safe content.

LITTLE EXPLORERS ( is a product of that uses a picture-dictionary format to link to hundreds of carefully chosen child-friendly sites around the world.
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Monster MDP 900 GreenPower Surge Protector overview - Protecting Your Digital LifeMonster GreenPower Surge Protector MDP 900 provides you with an efficient solution for power saving and saving your money. This amazing equipment helps to guard your PC against spikes or constant fluctuation in AC power and develop an overall protection against potential damaging dips. The equipment also helps you in space saving management as you are connecting all your cables to the same equipment.

The Monster GreenPower Surge Protector MDP 900 comes with special features that filter out the noise and electromagnetic interference thus helping you to maintain a steady performance of your computer. The GreenPower is another highlighting feature of the Surge Protector MDP 900, with this advanced feature you can save unnecessary power consumption and reduce energy waste to a considerable extent.

Digital Power Center_Monster GreenPower Surge Protector MDP 900 With 10 colored coded outlets, you can easily connect the cables and its accessories. Out of the 10 outlets, the 4 of them feature the Monster GreenPower technology. The GreenPower outlet is switched off automatically when the computer is shut down and they are turned on when the computer is switched on.

The Monster GreenPower Surge Protector MDP 900 has two sets of coax connections, which guards the computer against any kind of voltage spike coming through the TV line or the cable modem. This feature also provides an added protection for Ethernet connections and phone. You can also charge your Mp3 player or any other chargeable device via USB as the Monster GreenPower Surge Protector MDP 900 comes with built in two USB ports.

The Monster GreenPower Surge Protector MDP 900 is reasonably priced at $86.50 and comes with a five-year warranty that covers $300,000 insurance on any properly connected device.
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Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool is a post-infection removal tool that checks and removes any infection found on your computer created by specific, prevalent malicious software including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom. If the tool did manage to find any infection on your PC, it removes and also displays a status report the very next time that you start your computer describing the outcome of the scan that includes the details of the malicious software detected and removed. The tool also creates a log file named mrt.log in the %WINDIR%\debug folder.

To defend computers running Windows Operating System efficiently from the latest malicious software, Microsoft offers a new version of this Malicious Software Removal Tool every month. You can either download a copy of it manually from the Microsoft Download Center or set the Automatic Updates feature on your PC to Automatic for the newest version to automatically get delivered and installed on your computer as soon as it is released by Microsoft.

As Malicious Software Removal Tool is just a post-infection removal tool, it can never work as a replacement for an antivirus software. So, it is always recommended that you run an up-to-date antivirus software on your PC and defend your computer from all types of viruses and worms.

Download 'Malicious Software Removal Tool' from Microsoft Download Center
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The other day when I was installing Mozilla Firefox 3.5.1, I came to know that both my Norton Add-ons - Norton IPS 1.0 & Norton Toolbar 3.5 are not Compatible with this version of Firefox. Even after using the 'Check Now' option for compatible versions, there is no use as no compatible versions are made available by 'Norton from Symantec' Norton Add-ons Incompatible in Firefox 3_5_1
Now that's bad @ Symantec for not being compatible with the latest version of the most widely used browser. Norton Symantec Add-ons disabled in firefox 3.5.1
Anyways, being a bit lazy 'Norton from Symantec' woke up late after this issue has been buzzed in the mozilla support forums and provided a Hotfix to enable Norton Toolbar only in Firefox 3.5.1 leaving Norton IPS 1.0 still incompatibleNorton IPS 1.0 incompatible with Firefox
Hope Symantec Corporation takes this as a wake up call and comes with a fix to this issue included in its LiveUpdate soon.
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As you know, Phishing is any attempt to mislead people into disclosing their confidential information such as Social Security Numbers(SSN) and log-in info such as username and password using legitimate looking fake websites, e-mail or instant messages.

Here is another attempt of phishing you should beware of, which is intended to steal your Yahoo! Mail login info. This fake web page is designed is such a way that its look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate Yahoo! mail login web page.
The important check that can tell you whether you are on the legitimate Yahoo! web page or not is the domain on which the web page you are using is based. All the web pages relating to yahoo should be based on "" domain, whether it might be Yahoo!Mail, Yahoo! Messenger, Yahoo! Groups or Yahoo! News. For example, "" is not a legitimate Yahoo! page on the "" domain, but "" is a legitimate Yahoo! page because it includes "" domain in the URL. Likewise you can notice that all the legitimate Yahoo! web pages are based on "" domain only.

The URL of the phishing web page above is (Do not visit this web page) which can never belong to Yahoo!.

To ensure safety of your confidential information as it is sent over the internet, its better to use Ultimate antivirus and password security software like Norton Internet security 2009 or Norton 360

I personally recommend Norton Internet Security 2009 from Symantec as it has automatically detected this fraudulent web page and recommended not to visit it as soon as I have landed on the web page

Hope this helps...
To ensure the safety of your friends do share this!
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The Blue Ribbon campaign was formed to protect the rights of the bloggers on the internet. This non-profit organization was stated by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) in 1990. Blue Ribbon Campaign was formed in order to guard privacy, free speech and consumer rights on the internet. Public education, political activism and extensive litigation are some of the activities carried by the EFF.

This campaign was first launched after passing the Communication Decency Act in United States but it was re-launched by EFF to increase the awareness of other legislation which threatened the freedom of expression on internet.

The supporters of this donor-funded organization strongly believe that the bloggers must have full freedom to blog anonymously. The people also have a right to write their views about political election or any workplace activities without having fear of persecution. As per the Blue Ribbon Campaign, the freedom of expression plays a key role in a democratic society.

Blogging is a medium of communication which encourages interactions among people. Hence the supporters of Blue Ribbon Campaign consider that the bloggers must be well protected from the liability for the third –party comments which are left on their blogs. According to this campaign same rights are given to the members as well as to the mainstream press. They ought to be able to be present at press conference along with other media events. In addition, this campaign also believes that they should be able to protect confidential sources.

The supporters of the Blue Ribbon Campaign display a blue ribbon graphic on their website to convey their pledge to free speech online. This organization relies hugely on the support from the private individuals who are willing to protect free speech on the internet. More than half of the money which is used to fund the Blue Ribbon Campaign usually comes from the donations and membership fees. Thus this campaign will always raise awareness of the issues globally.
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There are various new innovations designed to make our lives easier but electronic mail has become a new hurdle for most of the people. The Inbox of our email account contains various personal as well as professional communications which sometimes may contain important and time-sensitive information. While most of people are submerged under piles of emails, others find relief through process called email bankruptcy.

Email bankruptcy means clearing out an entire email account which has become unmanageable and starting it all over again. It is similar to financial bankruptcy that involves writing off all the losses and stating all over again.
Starting afresh has big risks as we are losing all the important messages and useful data. Email bankruptcy seems like an extreme action to be taken but it also is a freeing experience from the accumulating stacks of email.

While declaring email bankruptcy, the first step would be to gather all the email address from your existing email folder and save it into the Bcc field addressed to you. The next step would be to select numerous emails to move them into trash and clear off your inbox. Usually a message is sent to all the people explaining the problem and informing the closing of the email account. The faster but less thoughtful option is to merely delete all the old messages and start over like nothing ever happened.

The best way to avoid email bankruptcy is by keeping up with your emails. If you are overwhelmed by increasing number of email in your inbox, make sure you first reply to the most important messages. People may consider shifting older emails to a different file for storage as an alternative to primary inbox folder but this may have the same effect as an email bankruptcy without completely eradicating older emails.

Email Bankruptcy not only piles unwanted emails but also leads to other grave problems like data redundancy and data inconsistency.
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Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 is the latest Anti Virus Software launched by Kaspersky Labs. This unique software is an upgraded version of Kaspersky Internet Security 2007 and comes with number of new features and offers an unmatchable internet protection to your home computers. Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 offers your computer with all in one security solution that creates a concern free computing environment.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 software provides you with essential protection for your home computer. Under Essential Protection it protects your computer from all types of spywares and malwares, Scans the incoming and outgoing internet traffic and scans your mails and files. The software also protects your online instant messengers like IQC and MSN and allows you to stay connected with your friends and family in a risk free environment.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 is loaded with the extended support features under which it provides you with two way personal firewall securities and intrusions prevention support system which allows you to protect your data from unauthorized access. The software also provides you with protection against hacks and viruses especially if you’re using VPN or Wi-Fi connections.

The other key features of Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 include full application control and easy management, Automatic Updates, Blocking and disabling links to malware sites, warnings during installations of the dangerous programs, blockage of unauthorized dial up connections, prevents data pilfering via secure connections, Virtual keyboard and Parental control to lock the unwanted sites and areas.

The Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 Software comes at $79.49 for 3 Computer than can provides a full fledged protection for 1 year.

Hope this helps...
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Are you planning to buy your 1st credit card ?
Are you unsure which one to select ?
Here are some useful tips which will help you to buy the perfect credit card.

People panic a lot and are often confused to select the proper credit card, mostly the confusion level are high amongst the people who are buying it for the 1st time. Anyone can get confused in buying his/her credit card as the markets are flunked with various types of credit card. Some cards have some additional feature while the other card may have something else; also the services provided by the credit card providers vary from time to time which adds the confusion to the customer.

Selecting a credit card has became like selecting a laptop, each time a new feature just keeps on adding in. The first thing which should be rock solid in your mind is the type of credit card you want to select. The main types of credits cards are:

Secure Credit Card where you need to deposit money in your bank account in order to get an approval. The deposit is nearly equal to your credit card limit. Secure credits cards are usually recommend for those who are buying a credit card for the 1st time or those who already have a bad debt.

Reward Credit card is a type of credit card where people get credits in the form of cash back or usually rewards for purchases. Reward Credit card is suggested for people who constantly need to purchase various items from their card. The more you spend the more you get creditor points which are either cashed or transferred to your bank balance or you get some reward, the policy of reward and cash varies from bank to bank.

Low credit cards are for the people who are willing to complete their bank transfers by paying low amount of interest. The interest rates are usually quite low which helps you to easily pay back the amount spend without much difficulty. The rates vary from bank to bank.

Keep the above mention tips in mind and certainly you will find yourself a perfect credit card which will suit your requirements.

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Hardware keylogger is a tiny module that plugs into your keyboard and captures all the keystrokes from your keyboard to its internal memory chip. It resembles a standard keyboard (PS/2) connector cable but is equipped with a computer chip and a flash memory chip to capture and store the keystrokes instantly when they are typed.

All you have to do is plug it in between
your keyboard cable and your computer and it instantly starts recording the keystrokes. It works on any PC and is completely software free due to which it cannot be detected or disabled by any other software on your PC.

Besides using these keyloggers on a positive note to detect and prevent unauthorized use of company PC's, they are also being used on public computers such as those at internet cafes, exhibitions etc., to steal your private data.

So, next time when you are accessing internet from public places check the back pannel connection of the keyboard (PS/2) connector cable plugged to computer to make sure it is free from any data feeders or keyloggers attached to it.

Hope this helps...

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Beware of "Nigerian Scam" type emails which are being spread over the internet to trap innocent people. The bottom line of these type of emails is to offer you large sums of money, usually in millions of dollars in return for a smaller fee.

Few months back, when I have received such an email from one of the scammer, I showed some interest in what he has to say and replied him giving some of my details to win his trust so that I can investigate his details. All I could find out is the scammer having an account in ICICI bank, to which he wanted me to transfer some money in order to win the jackpot. That interaction also led to the successful entry of my email id in their database due to which I have been getting such type of emails hit my Inbox often.

Here is the list of Email ids of some of the scammers you should be aware of:

--> "yusuf ahmed" []
private email:
--> "Garang" []
--> "Brown Morgan" []
--> "Mr.pinkettgriffin" []
--> "Ralli Arkidy" []
--> "mary William" []
--> "ABDAL FATTAH" [],[]
--> "Ibrahim Adama" []
--> "Online News" []
--> "" []
--> "buka naam" []
--> "OMAR AHMED" []
--> "malik sulaiman" []
--> "pissa akaba" []
--> "Raheem Bin" [],[],[]
--> "ahmed tutu" [],[]
--> "MR HONG ACHAI" []
--> "Rafael Alfonso Rubiano M." []
--> "Mr.Dave Walker" []
--> "nikolay sintsov" []
--> "" []
--> "Mr.Egor Fillipenko" []
--> "usman abu" []
--> "Mr.Phil Herald" []
--> "salifu ahmed" [], []
--> "cynthia abdul" []
--> "Mr.Dioup.Al Moraree" []
--> "Tama Salif" [],[]
--> "ego kadima" []
--> "Rose MCvay" []
--> "musa garuba" []
--> "Richard Agese" []
--> "Mrs Naomi Solomon" []
--> "Mr. mark willy" []
--> "suluman yussof" []
--> "Mr Ibrahim" []
--> "Dr.Pol Stewart" []
--> "Tuoga Hazem" []
--> "usma bello" []
--> "kelly toma" []
--> "mrbarba clark" []
--> "mr_isaac_caleb20" []
--> "m y" []
--> "Mr.Mark Williams" []
--> "Mr Thomas Harper" []
--> "Daniels And Daniels Law Firm" []
--> "chong. Lim" []
--> "Mr Mike Abrahim" []
--> "Mr. James Williams" []
--> "Mr.SANI MOUSA" [],[]
--> "sani mandiouf" []

If you also get these type of emails, don't delete them straight away. Instead you take a note of the email id of the sending member and post it here in the comments section. This will help in creating awareness among others.

Together we can fight against these scammers out there.

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USB drives are the most popular virus carriers these days. Here is the simple yet powerful command prompt trick with which you can create a dummy file that can block any incoming virus to your Pen drive.

1. Note down the free space in bytes left in your USB drive. To do that, just right-click with your mouse on your USB drive and select properties where you can find the Used space and free space shown in bytes.

2. Go to start-->Run... and type
cmd and click Ok to open the command prompt(DOS) window.

3. At the command prompt type the command having the syntax as follows:

fsutil file createnew [USB drive path\filename] [free space in bytes]

for example, if the drive letter for your USB drive is 'K', the free space available is 1528864758 bytes and filename you want to use is dummyfile then the command you have to type is:

fsutil file createnew k:\dummyfile 1528864768

As soon as you press ENTER after giving this command a file will be created in you USB drive occupying all the free space available.

Now your USB drive cannot accommodate any incoming viruses as it has zero free space. You can check that from your drive properties. As you can see in the image below the free space left is zero as we have created a dummy file with all the free space available in the step above.
And whenever you want to copy files to your USB drive from secured sources, just delete that dummyfile created and copy the data you wanted and again create a dummyfile that occupies the remaining free space.

This command prompt trick is the best preventive measure to block any virus form entering your USB drive.

Hope this helps...

Try it yourself and post in your valuable comments.

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The file contains 16 zipped files, which again contains 16 zipped files, which again contains 16 zipped files, which again contains 16 zipped, which again contains 16 zipped files, which contain 1 file, with the size of 4.3GB.

So, if you extract all the files, you will most likely run out of space as it ends up with a file size of 45 PetaBytes(PB)
(1 Peta Byte = 1,000,000,000,000,000 Bytes)

Here is the calculation:
16 x 4294967295       = 68.719.476.720 (68GB)
16 x 68719476720      = 1.099.511.627.520 (1TB)
16 x 1099511627520    = 17.592.186.040.320 (17TB)
16 x 17592186040320   = 281.474.976.645.120 (281TB)
16 x 281474976645120  = 4.503.599.626.321.920 (4,5PB)

You might be wondering how can such a large file be compressed to 42KB.
This is made possible by the high statistical redundancy of the 4.2GB file as it contains only zeros in needless repetition. Exploiting this statistical redundancy, compression algorithms are able to compress the file data more concisely into a 42KB file.

Click here to download
(42374 bytes zipped file)

Don't dare to Extract it!!

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Facebook loginWith Phishing and online scams growing these days you always have to be careful while you login to your Facebook account.

In order to obtain your login and account information the Phishing specialists may attempt to trick you by pretending to be an official login page that you have an account with, prompting you to enter your account information. Even though these login pages created look identical to the login page of the organization you have an account with, the website doesn't belong to them. So always remember to never enter your account info especially your password unless you are on the legitimate Facebook page.

The important check that can tell you whether you are on the legitimate Facebook page or not is the domain on which the web page you are using is based. For example, "" is not a legitimate Facebook page on the "" domain, but "" is a legitimate Facebook page because it has the "" domain.

If you are using 'Facebook Connect' to log in to your accounts, do that only on trusted third-party websites. Before giving your account information using Facebook Connect always make sure that the login opens in a separate browser pop-up window, and the url of the pop-up window contains proper "" domain. This confirms whether it is a legitimate Facebook page or a phishing attempt and can assure you to log in safely and securely.

In case you are unable to access your account for being Phished or hacked, follow the link below to submit your reports. (opens in a new tab)

Hope This Helps...

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Worrying about your lost/stolen mobile phone?? Do you fear violation of you valuable data?? Are you wondering how to catch the culprit?? Then you have to know about this Wonderful Anti-theft software for mobile phones named Maverick Secure Mobile (MSM).

In case of a theft or accidental loss, Maverick Secure Mobile (MSM) software protects the valuable data by sending it securely to a predefined mobile number selected by the user. Also you can track your mobile, retrieve your phone book and can protect your mobile by disabling the stolen device completely and thus making the culprit never use the device he has stolen even after inserting a new SIM. So in brief, it not only secures the device but the data as well.


During the installation of this application it asks for a reporting mobile number which can be your second number, your spouse's /friends number or any other mobile number on which you want to receive all the reports. Once installed the application works in a hidden mode and cannot be seen in the phone. To launch and customize this application you have to press predefined short keys just as username and a password.

The predefined number given by the owner of the device is used to perform the following activities on the stolen mobile to humiliate the thief of your mobile device.

1) It has the specialty of making a spy call to the stolen mobile from the reporting device which activates loud speaker and mike without any ring tone or alarm set and the thief can't know about this spying being done on him and he cannot stop the spy call either even if he does manage to know.

2) When the thief changes the SIM card the entire data on the device will be encrypted so that the thief will not be able to access or view any data thus assuring the privacy and security of your valuable personal data.

Moreover after insertion of a new SIM it sends an SMS to the reporting mobile with details including Thief new mobile number, device id, country id, country code, operator name, area code etc., which facilitates in tracking him easily.

3) All the activities/transactions that are done on the stolen device including outgoing calls, incoming calls, SMS, MMS etc.,along with phone numbers will be sent to the reporting mobile number via SMS.

For example, if a call is made from the stolen device, it automatically sends an SMS to the reporting device with details such as Number Dialed, Call Duration etc.,
Besides this all the call logs and the messaging history including the entire messaging text is sent to the reporting device by SMS.

4)To retrieve your entire phone book all you have to do is to send an SMS as "Contact=all" (without quotes) from the reporting device to the stolen device which starts sending all the contacts from the stolen device to the reporting
device. All this is done in hidden mode so the thief cannot know that the contacts are being sent.

5) To make the life of the thief more miserable all you have to do is to send an SMS as "Hang" (without quotes) from the reporting device which raises a loud alarm by playing a blaring siren displaying a customized message in which you can add your name, alternate contact number, contact address, award amount etc., in case if he changes his heart and feels like returning your mobile.

This unique SMS sent from the reporting device to the stolen device actually disables the device completely locking all the features on the mobile including keypad. This means the thief cannot switch off the mobile device either to stop the annoyingly loud siren. The only possibility to deactivate the alarm is to remove the battery but as soon as he inserts the battery again the siren is reactivated.

So there is no way he can make use of the device he has stolen. All he can do is either throw it away or give it back and take his award amount. The latter option would be better.

All the features of this application can be used with your original SIM in place also , this can be done just by sending and SMS as "Active" (of course without quotes) from the reporting to stolen device to activate the features.

Parents can also use this application to keep an eye on their child's mobile by tracking it activity if needed by sending an SMS as "Track" from the reporting device. As you will be the one who has installed the application and set the password your child cannot know that they are under tracking coz as said earlier this application runs in hidden mode without any notifications.

Although the product is in beta, it has already made a deal with Nokia to begin distributing this anti-theft application on Nokia phones.

Click Here to Validate your device and buy MSM software
It costs around $12.

Download MSM Help file here

For further details or In case of any query contact:

Sachin Randive.
Maverick Mobile Solutions,Pune.
+91 9970027080

Hope this Helps....

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For all the netizens out there password is just as important as passport. But are you using that password securely? These are the few tips to protect your password and making it far secure from being hacked.

Keep Away from Guessing

A password should be easily memorable to you, at the same time should be like a sudoku puzzle for others. Using a weak password makes it easily guessed by a hacker. Now, this discussion leads us to the question of what exactly is like a weak password.

Foremost thing is, a password is not a password at all when it is like a name.
Whether it may be pet names, names of family members, first names etc., all come under weak passwords.

"password" is a bad password

The extremely common and the weakest password of all is "password" itself.
So never try to use password as your password and be susceptible to attack.

Here is the exhaustive list of Most Common Passwords used. If your password happened to be in this list, go change it right now...

1) password
2) 12345
3) qwerty, asdf and other keyboard rolls
4) abc123
5) letmein
6) monkey
7) admin
8) sex
9) love
10) god
11) myspace1
12) password1
13) money
14) blink182
15) country/city of origin

A good/secure password should include alphanumeric and symbols and is more than 8 letters long. Its even better if you use lowercase and uppercase alphabets.

Now lets consider the Do's & Dont's for keeping your password safe


1) Do not send passwords via email , if its that imp. you can use privnote.

2) Do not type your password in presence of others and better don't talk about it either.

3) Never use login id as your password

4) Do not select Remember Password/Save my Password options popping in the browser window while giving login id and password

5) Better don't use the same password for everything.


1) Change your password once in while

2) Practice your password to be easily typed, with the lack of which leads the guy watching you to know your password easily when you are typing it searching for keys.

3) As said earlier make sure you password is more than 8 letters long containing alpha numeric, symbols and upper/lower case alphabet.

Hope this Helps....

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